Episode 18: Bigger Blacker Show pt 1. Carlton Unchained

Sep 21, 2016


The crew is joined by guest hosts Matrell and Amna for a totally serious discussion about Black Lives Matter and Colin Kaepernick. In no way does it devolve into a campy soap opera. Nope, not even a little. Everyone cheers Brian’s wife as being way out of his league. Matrell pretends he’s black. Amna explains trap houses of the Crackedemic. Brian doesn’t understand drug volumes, but explains that he’s from Miami. It’s a record-setting episode that will leave your evil twin with permanent amnesia, bro!!
Check out this episode!

Episode 17: Live from the Frog Room

Aug 24, 2016


A frog (not the French kind) invades the studio space and amazes the gang with it’s ability to exist and stick to windows. Keri mourns her former exciting life, and Brian hates Jared Leto for potentially ruining Suicide Squad. Derek thinks words have too much power, and vows to be a better kind of monster. Everybody agrees that Amy Schumer has nothing of interesting to say. Croak…
Check out this episode!

Episode 16: Chicken Little

Aug 9, 2016


The guys reach back through time and revisit the fear mongering that preceded the 2008 and 2012 elections. In Letterman style, they reduce the highlights to a Top 10 list of what did and did not occur, and examine if the liberal fears of a Trump presidency hold any water. Derek gets Biblical all OVER Brian’s ass. The sky is falling on this week’s episode!
Check out this episode!

Episode 15: What Wicked Webs We Weave

Jul 28, 2016


After taking a summer break, the guys realize their absence is slowly ruining the world. Derek mourns the loss of a friend, while Brian lambasts the DNC for the email shambles. They both try to comprehend how belief is greater than fact.

Once you begin watching spiders, you haven’t time for much else. -E.B. White


bullet The FBI is conducting approximately 70 full-field investigations throughout the US that it considers bin Laden-related (see August 6, 2001). CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group or bin Laden supporters was in the US planning attacks with explosives (see May 16-17, 2001). [9/11 COMMISSION, 7/24/2004, PP. 223]
In retrospect, the briefing is remarkable for the many warnings that apparently are not included (see for instance, from the summer of 2001 prior to August alone: May 2001, June 2001, June 12, 2001, June 19, 2001, Late Summer 2001, July 2001, July 16, 2001, Late July 2001, Late July 2001, Summer 2001, June 30-July 1, 2001, July 10, 2001, and Early August 2001). According to one account, after the PDB has been given to him, Bush tells the CIA briefer, “You’ve covered your ass now” (see August 6, 2001). Incredibly, the New York Times later reports that after being given the briefing, Bush “[breaks] off from work early and [spends] most of the day fishing.” [NEW YORK TIMES, 5/25/2002] In 2002 and again in 2004, National Security Adviser Rice will incorrectly claim under oath that the briefing only contained historical information from 1998 and before (see May 16, 2002 and April 8, 2004).
Entity Tags: George W. Bush, Islamic Jihad, Omar Abdul-Rahman, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Los Angeles International Airport, Condoleezza Rice, Abu Zubaida, Al-Qaeda, World Trade Center, Central Intelligence Agency, 9/11 Commission, Ahmed Ressam, Ramzi Yousef, Osama bin Laden
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
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Episode 13: Ink Bound and Down

May 26, 2016


The prodigal Keri returns, having read an article for one damn time… which unsurprisingly led to censorship. Derek has his mind blown with high school sex education, while Brian remembers the glories of book burnings past, and plans his next affront to decency. If this episode were a book, you’d toss it into the pile.
Check out this episode!

Episode 12: Bernin’ Down the House

May 18, 2016


Things are heating up this election season, with Trump starting fights with every vagina he can find, and #BernieOrBust supporters showing the GOP aren’t the only ones who are saying “Fuck the Establishment”. Brian and Derek try to make sense of the madness, but can’t handle the heat. Come on Pookie, let’s burn this mother down!!

The Guardian: Dear America
Check out this episode!

Episode 11: Bathroom Hijinks!

May 10, 2016

Dr. Kevin Glenn repeats his past mistake and
joins us for another episode! Brian is upset that his nerdy movies
aren’t culturally accurate (plus the books were better), while
Derek is worried about who is peeing next to him…..and HOW! Join
us for a slippery escapade!

Dr. Kevin Glenn’s Blog Article: “STAYING ON TARGET:


The Liberal Redneck YouTube Channel

Check out this episode!

Episode 10: Refugee Kaos

May 3, 2016

The guys and Keri jam out to Model Kaos with guest host Peter
Roy, who has a thing or two to say about Syrian refugees. Spoiler
alert: he’s against them. Finally, a contrarian opinion!

Check out this episode!

Episode 9: Topical Triumvirate

Mar 23, 2016

Brian has a list of 3 hot-n-tasty topics written on a box. Politics! Apple vs. FBI! #BlackLivesMatter! Hillary’s Email Scandal! Police Body Cams! Derek describes his beloved “Dora the Explorer” sitcom. Both guys realize they’re heroes, having done nothing at all heroic because labels are fun. It’s a triumphant triumvirate!

College Humor – Dora the Explorer

Check out this episode!

Episode 8: Communicating with Stupid

Feb 5, 2016

The guys get a lesson in critical thinking from Dr. Berney Wilkinson (Psychologist), who has serious concerns about their mental wellbeing. Brian learns that satire isn’t always the best approach to making friends while Derek finds common ground with Hitler, and another guest host vows never to return. You’ll need a padded cell to recover from this episode.

Check out this episode!

Episode 7: Smoke on the Brown Water

Feb 4, 2016

Derek, Brian and Keri debate when it is appropriate to physically beat children or their parents. Flint Michigan has a pollution problem that can’t be blamed on it’s proximity to Detroit. Derek doesn’t think the press are doing their jobs, and Keri quizzes the guys on Metallica or Taylor Swift lyrics. You’ll be making your own brown water after listening to this one.

Check out this episode!