Episode 13: Ink Bound and Down

May 26, 2016


The prodigal Keri returns, having read an article for one damn time… which unsurprisingly led to censorship. Derek has his mind blown with high school sex education, while Brian remembers the glories of book burnings past, and plans his next affront to decency. If this episode were a book, you’d toss it into the pile.
Check out this episode!

Episode 12: Bernin’ Down the House

May 18, 2016


Things are heating up this election season, with Trump starting fights with every vagina he can find, and #BernieOrBust supporters showing the GOP aren’t the only ones who are saying “Fuck the Establishment”. Brian and Derek try to make sense of the madness, but can’t handle the heat. Come on Pookie, let’s burn this mother down!!

The Guardian: Dear America
Check out this episode!

Episode 11: Bathroom Hijinks!

May 10, 2016

Dr. Kevin Glenn repeats his past mistake and
joins us for another episode! Brian is upset that his nerdy movies
aren’t culturally accurate (plus the books were better), while
Derek is worried about who is peeing next to him…..and HOW! Join
us for a slippery escapade!

Dr. Kevin Glenn’s Blog Article: “STAYING ON TARGET:


The Liberal Redneck YouTube Channel

Check out this episode!

Episode 10: Refugee Kaos

May 3, 2016

The guys and Keri jam out to Model Kaos with guest host Peter
Roy, who has a thing or two to say about Syrian refugees. Spoiler
alert: he’s against them. Finally, a contrarian opinion!

Check out this episode!