Episode 24: A Sine of Things to Cum
Mar 29, 2017
The gang talks automation, the ramifications, and Universal Basic Income as a possible safety net. Derek believes the future means floating fatties, while Brian just wants to get beamed to the starship Enterprise. Also, something about sex bots, and if it’s cool to shoot them in the face. They prefffffff
We͝ ̢are҉ ҉a̕w͢a̢re͡.͘ ̶
͝W͏e ͏kno̴w e̕v̛ery̶th҉i̸ng͡ ͞ab̸o̴ut͘ ̸y̡ou̢.͜ ̨
̧W̢e ̀a͝rè coming̶.͢
Episode 23: The Shit Hits the Fan (Part Deuce)
Mar 22, 2017Episode 22: Occupy Lazy Street
Nov 29, 2016Episode 21: WRONG!
Nov 18, 2016Lost or Profound
Sometimes we will be lost and sometimes we will be profound. One thing you can count on is that we will be honest, open and we hope, entertaining as we meander through topics of the day, challenges of the moment and battles for the hearts and minds of humanity!